राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार शिक्षालय
About the School
DYA strongly believes that the knowledge of human rights should be a part of basic curriculum amongst the school-going children and is more relevant today in pursuant to the uprising human right violation in various issues like Crime against women, minorities, labor and other intersectional and cross cutting issues in Nepal. Dissemination of Human rights knowledge to the future generation (students from grade 8-12) seems to be the remedy and tapping on the sources in order to reduce such gross violation.
DYA and Society for International Law and Public Policy Collaboration with Buddhanilkantha Municipality through NSHR intends on teaching public school students from grade 8 to 12 about the importance of human rights and its obligations. The school will also focus on teaching Fundamental rights under ‘The constitution of Nepal’ and under Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR). It will teach such rights from a young students mind set through creative methods of teaching like cartoons or role playing to young ones (5-8th grade) also making it informative and Lecture series and professional level simulation to older ones (9-10/12th) school going students.
NSHR is an effort to “…achieve the common understanding of rights and freedom and also an effort towards recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world… (UDHR, Preamble)”. The school intends on teaching the aforementioned issues throughout the country in collaboration with other local government and Municipalities mandated by the Schedule 8 of constitution of Nepal intervening the social transformation through Dissemination of knowledge on International Human rights norms through Collaborative partnership with local Public /private schools.
III. National Schooling on Human Rights
Teaching methodology:
The national school intends on conducting a 5 days detailed sessions teaching students Rights & of the all and obligation towards the state and fellow beings at large. As good law-abiding citizen by abiding to general standards set through international Human rights norm.
IV. Objective of the NSHR:
V. Discussion topics and schedule:
First two days sessions
Session I.
Introductory session 2 hrs
Session II.
Social aspects in violence 1 hrs
Third Day
Some key cross cutting issues to address:
Fourth Day
Fifth Day
E. Intended outcomes:
Apart from an intense discussion, the school intends engaging Students and teachers to incorporate Human rights standards in their daily school routine also beyond School campus. SILPP also intends on providing free legal Aid to the student and schools at Large. By the end, the school intends on signing a promissory note with the school Principal teacher students, promising:
Thus, the School is not just limited to a single session series or discussion. It aims to bring forward the learning and addressing future problems.
The School, which will be the result of the contribution from Schools and locals government integrated effort towards Human Rights compliance. And NSHR is also a lobbying effort to bring Human rights education in school regular curriculum and syllabus.
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